Sunday 5 October 2014

One week down

Well I was really surprised that I made it a full week here! Honestly last week I had my doubts! I don't know what it was, I found myself being really negative and kind of questioning why I was doing all this. BUT then I read some things from my study journal to help pump me up and also while I was riding on a trike it kind of hit me that I was letting myself dwell on all the negative things and wasn't even thinking about the positive! So I started telling myself all the good things that were going on in my life and let me tell you it is super easy to "count your blessings" when you realize how much you have after seeing how little everyone else has.
The "pinoys" (Filipinos) are really interested in a lot of things about me and they all typically ask me the same questions:
-Where are you from?
-How many people are in your family?
-How tall are you? (they are like a foot shorter than me!)
-Do you have a girlfriend?
-What is your Dad's job?
And then they always tell me that they like my eyes and my nose? My nose?? They describe it as being a "tall" nose and how everyone here wants that? Also my eyes are like "cat eyes" and they think I'm wearing contact lenses because everyone's eyes here are brown. It's pretty funny! 
Me and my comp are leading the district with our numbers! We teach on average 10-12 lessons a day! And yesterday we received 9 referrals! It's hard work! 
Yesterday was kind of a weird day, after we had done all our lessons and we were at our last lesson we walked into the house and there was a casket right there! I wasn't expecting that at all but apparently we were visiting the family of someone who had just barely lost their grandma and here in the Philippines they keep the casket in the home for 7-15 days! :/ kind of weird and creepy but it's their culture! 
We have 87 people coming to church and President Lopez wants us to have 100 by the end of the year so that is our goal! We didn't have a baptism this week but we are continuing to teach the family of who we baptized last week. I baptized Sister Ascuzana and my comp baptized her grandson Steven. We are trying to get Steven's parents to be baptized now.
All in all I'm learning a lot everyday and trying my hardest with the language. I keep getting glimpses of that "love" everyone talks about that they have for the people they serve. But I'm not completely there yet. So things are getting better and hopefully I am too!
THANKS SO MUCH for all the support! 
Elder Warnick

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